Integrated Marketing and Mathematics

Maximizing your audience reach through a sound strategy

Every business has a story tell. An integrated marketing strategy is the best way to amplify your communications and unleashes the power of exponential outreach across all platforms.

Integrated Marketing – in a nutshell

This term refers to the process of coordinating different marketing channels (email, social media, etc.) to share the same message. 

Integrated marketing takes advantage of a company’s reach across various marketing channels, using one’s social influence to promote a product or service. This message may be modified depending on which marketing channel it’s being amplified through but the important part is that it’s consistent and recognized as the same message.

What positions integrated marketing as a superior marketing tactic as opposed to single marketing campaign is that the more outlets you tap into the more people you can potentially reach. Also, a consistent message across multiple channels helps reinforce a customer’s impression of you.

Not only does brand consistency build a better reputation, it can also help to save money. Assets can be shared through multiple channels and you rely on your employees and customers to amplify your message to even more people. The rate at which your message is spread becomes exponential.  Here’s the skinny.

Home base – it all happens on your website

It’s beneficial to have one resource to ultimately direct people to; your blog or a specific landing page is an excellent place to link back to. When promoting information on social media or through email blasts, the key is to keep the message compelling and concise, if the viewer is interested, they will be directed to the expanded information.

The Power of Blogging – done right

A blog is the secret sauce on your company website. A blog will demonstrate your company’s know-how and establish you as a thought leader for your product or service. A good backlog of blog articles will improve SEO and will provide you with content to push through marketing channels.

Spreading  the Love – do the Math

You have the content you want to send out to the masses, how do you this in an organized way? Amplify your message through email blasts and social media networks like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Imagine you have 1,000 contacts to reach via email. And let’s say you also share your message via LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube and on all these platforms you have 200 followers. With one simple post that you share across all platforms, your social reach is already at 2,000.

Turbocharged Outreach – The real power

Here’s the magic: Your marketing message can extend exponentially by engaging your staff. Each employee has their own social networks, so consider the potential communications outreach if you simply involve your team members in marketing.

Here’s an example: If you have six employees, each of who have a social reach of 200 for every platform, that in total equates to 6,000. So even though your reach is only 2,000, when you add your employees into the mix, you’ve already gotten that number up to 8,000. From there, the reach grows exponentially as colleagues, friends, and even family continue to share your message.   

Analyze the Data – and adjust accordingly

It’s important to reflect on your results after each marketing effort. Which content was boosted the most? What platform is your following most active? Monitor your effectiveness through email, social media, and Google analytics that way you can adjust for your next plan of attack. It is important to understand that Rome was not built in a day, and integrated marketing wins when you commit to this approach and are consistent over time.


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